Collection: Plecos

Plecostomus, commonly known as Plecos, are a diverse group of freshwater catfish renowned for their algae-eating habits and distinctive appearance. Originating from South America, Plecos are often characterized by their armored bodies, broad, flattened heads, and sucker-like mouths that allow them to cling to surfaces as they graze on algae. They come in various sizes and patterns, from the small, colorful Bristlenose Pleco to the large, impressive Common Pleco, which can grow over a foot long.

Plecos are primarily nocturnal and prefer aquariums with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves or driftwood, where they can retreat during the day. They are generally hardy and can adapt to a range of water conditions, though they thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water. While their algae-eating behavior helps keep the tank clean, larger Plecos may require additional food, such as sinking pellets or vegetables. Due to their size and unique behavior, Plecos are popular among aquarists, especially in larger tanks where they can exhibit their full range of activity.